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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Fire Damage Before & After Photos

Soot hiding in the blinds

This home had the most beautiful veiw in Malibu we had seen so far, but unfortunately they had soot throughout their home from the woodsly fires that took place... READ MORE

The damage of soot

Soot is a mixture of very fine black particles created by the product of incomplete combustion. It is primarily made up of carbon, but it can also contain trace... READ MORE

Fire damage close to water heater

For Hard Materials – Porous (Painted surfaces, wallboard, plaster, wall paper, exposed wood):When soot is present on porous surfaces, we use a dry chemica... READ MORE

Fire in Riverside

This customer had a dog training company, in her home! It was wonderful to see, yet with the fires in Riverside last year a good portion of her back yard burned... READ MORE

Severe House Fire in San Bernardino

This extremely devastating house fire took place in San Bernardino! The home caught fire due to the local wild fires. In the before photo you will notice the e... READ MORE

Fire Damage in San Bernardino

This home fire was caused by Little Mountain Fire in San Bernardino. The kitchen wall was caught on fire and the customers home suffered severely with water , s... READ MORE