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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Stormy season is coming

1/17/2022 (Permalink)

lightning storms and homeowners

Happy January! it's that time of year again when the storms hit our areas and living in Southern California we are never really repaired.

Here are a few Tips to help you and your family.

1. Check roof tiles or shingles for wear and lifting to prevent costly leaks before a storm.

2. If the weather is warm turn the AC on and ensure your home is cold before the storm hits. Now if the weather is cold turn your heater up to stay warm! Inside temperature can last up to 48 hours.

3.Bring in your pets and if your pet is not an indoor pet try to bring them under a cover and somewhere they will stay safe!

4.Ensure all windows and doors are closed and locked!

5.Charge all your electronics prior to the storm because you are not sure how long you won't have electricity.

6. Keep candles and matches always for backup for when you lose light.

7. Make sure your freezer is closed tight! Freezer food will stay cold up to 3 days with a closed freezer door.

8. If the storm is serious and you have to evacuate bring anything memorable with you and if you can't do that pack it somewhere safe!

9. Create a home safety kit! Some things you can add are water bottles , flashlight , canned foods , first aid bag , tools!

10. The final tip is be sure to shut off any electronics that instantly uses electricity! The reason for this is when your power turns back on it can not be overloaded with things and there will be no risk for a fire or for it to burn out.

Now remember if you ever do find yourself stuck in a storm any of us at SERVPRO will be gladly to help! Stay Safe.

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