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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Carbon monoxide in storms

2/8/2021 (Permalink)

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning deaths, caused by portable generators reportedly being used inside homes and/or garages, have been reported in Florida in recent days. In the aftermath of Hurricane Irma, there are widespread power outages. CPSC is warning consumers to take three critical precautions to prevent loss of life from poisonous carbon monoxide when using a portable generator:

1. NEVER use a portable generator inside your home. One portable generator can emit the same amount of deadly carbon monoxide gas as hundreds of mid-size cars. Just as you would not leave a car running in a closed garage, do not run a generator inside a garage, home, shed or near open windows or vents.

2. Portable generators need air and distance. Place generators OUTDOORS ONLY, at least 20 feet away from your home.

3. Carbon monoxide is called the “invisible killer.” This deadly gas is colorless and odorless and can quickly incapacitate and kill you and your family in minutes. A working CO alarm can detect high levels of the gas in your home. If it goes off, do not ignore it. Get out! Then call 911.

Do This:
•Test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms once a month to make sure they are working.
•Know the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning: headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, sleepiness, and confusion. If you suspect CO poisoning, get outside to fresh air immediately, and then call 911.
•Make sure portable fuel burning space heaters have an oxygen depletion sensor (ODS). An ODS shuts off the heater if oxygen levels start to fall to protect against CO poisoning.
•Open the fireplace damper before lighting a fire, and keep it open until the ashes are cool to avert the buildup of carbon monoxide, especially at night while families sleep.

Never Do This:
•Never use a gas oven or stove to heat your home.
•Never use kerosene space heaters in enclosed spaces; always properly ventilate.
•Never use portable generators inside the house, including in the basement, shed, or garage— generators should be outside at least 20 feet away from the house when in use.
•Don’t use charcoal or gas grills inside or operate them outside near open windows or doors.

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