Recent Fire Damage Posts

Party Safe in the Heat

5/8/2023 (Permalink)

What could happen if you leave an open fire unattended

Beginning of BBQ season, Parties, and Gathering - Safety should be number one!!

Summertime is beginning and it is imperative that safety be taken when it comes to cooking delicious meals outdoors especially if planning to smoke your Thanksgiving turkey. 

In 2012-2016 an average of 16600 patients per year went to the emergency room  because if injuries involving grills, half of those being caused by thermal burns.

Children under 5 accounted for an average of 1600 of the 4500 thermal none fore grill burns. These burns typically occurred when someone, often a child bumped into, touched or fell on the grill, grill part or hot coals.

Seven out of every 10 adults in the US have a grill or smoker, which translates to a lot of tasty meals, but it also means there is an increased risk for home fires and injuries.

Preventing a fire while bbqing

10/13/2022 (Permalink)

BBQ grill

Even though summer is ending , we all will continue to BBQ and enjoy cooler temperatures. I am sure house fires are not the first thing going on through your mind. There are two major ways to avoid house fires this time of year! One being to be proactive and two being to stay attentive!

By being proactive some things you can do prior to enjoying company while you smoke or grill this Fall:

1. Make sure you position your Grill away from shrubbery and eaves.

2. Clean grates and remove debris of grease and dust! 

Now to be attentive some things you can do are... 

1. Stay close, if you forget something make sure someone is watching while you walk away.

2. Set alarms for all things to ensure you don't get distracted. 

3. Keep mitts , wooden utensils , and towels away from flames and side burners.

These simple directions can help keep your home and family safe!

Have a fun and safe end of summer, from all of us at SERVPRO of North San Bernardino City. 

Residential Fire Prevention Tips

2/17/2022 (Permalink)

Residential fires are extremely widespread, but most homeowners are unaware of how much damage they can cause. Flames can spread in an instant, causing widespread damage to your property and dangers to your family.

There is no way to guarantee you will never experience a residential fire, but there are ways to reduce the chances one will occur.

Once flames are started, it is alarming how quickly they can spread. Therefore, stopping them before they start is key. 

  1. Smoke detector tests.Testing smoke alarms only takes a few moments and is the best way to make sure they are operational.
  2. Dryer tray clearing. Because of the heat produced by dryers, they can combine with an overfull lint tray and combust. Clean out the lint tray after each load to prevent this.
  3. Open flame caution. Even contained flames can cause a residential fire if conditions are right. Never leave a flame unattended to prevent them from spreading.
  4. Check household cords. Cables that become frayed or worn can spark and start fires around the home if still in use. Be sure to check them frequently and replace when they begin to wear.
  5. Store chemicals properly. Many household products contain many flammable chemicals and should be kept away from heat and sunlight. Always check the label for storage instructions.

If your home suffer from fire damage please give us a call today at SERVPRO of North San Bernardino (909)474-2340 

Structural Cleaning, Contents Cleaning, Deodorization For Fires

2/15/2022 (Permalink)

Going through a fire can be stressful. Fires can cause extensive damage throughout your home or property which requires the help of professionals to restore. Essentially everything in a home affected by fire smoke needs to be cleaned. Some items may only require thorough airing to remove smoke smell, 

  • Structural Cleaning 

After a smoke or fire damage, ceilings, walls, woodwork, carpeting, and floors will often need a thorough cleaning. Our experienced team will pretest to determine the extent of damage, then use the specific equipment and cleaning products required to clean and protect the different types of surfaces found within the structure. 

  • Contents Cleaning

All of the restorable contents in the affected areas will be professionally cleaned and deodorized. This includes area rugs, furniture, draperies, and upholstery. Additionally, all of the other restorable contents will be cleaned and deodorized to preloss condition. This includes electronics, art, wood furniture, kitchen items, clothing, etc.  The best part is , we can provide an inventory list of all "to be claimed" items for agents and their policyholders.

  • Deodorization

We specialize in services that rid your home or business of offensive odors left behind by fire or smoke damage.

Please call us today for any questions, at SERVPRO of North San Bernardino 

Evacuation Plan: What to do Before, and After a Fire

2/11/2022 (Permalink)

  • Before A Fire Evacuation

Having to evacuate your home because of a fire may be one of the most scary things that can happen to a homeowner. It means that you could be in incredible danger, and it might mean that your home could be completely lost. An evacuation means you have to move quickly and effectively. That means having a plan set out ahead of time so you are prepared to go at a moment’s notice.

Preparation is the most important part of a good evacuation plan. There are several things you do before a fire to make sure you are ready. Make sure you have you .... 

  1. Disaster Relief Kit
  2. Family Preparation
  3. Transportation
  4. Communications
  5. Health and Safety
  • After An Evacuation

Once the fire is extinguished, you may be tempted to head back into your home to survey the damage. Do not do so until an authority has stated that it is safe, as damage to the structure may have occurred. In some cases, a home may need to be closed off until it is repaired for people to enter safely.

Experiencing a fire in your home can be overwhelming. But, by being proactive and creating a fire evacuation plan, you are taking the first step towards preparing your family for the unexpected.

If you have any question feel free to gives us a call at (909)474-2340 SERVPRO of North San Bernardino 

Tips To Avoid Fire Disasters

2/10/2022 (Permalink)

There are many different things we tend to  overlook in our daily lives that could lead to a potential fire. It is always important to be aware when it come to a fire.

The most common ways that fires start within a business or house is from simple things we do every day. 

Some common instances would be:

  • candles
  • cooking
  • electrical systems

Thankfully each of these have a simple way to be prevented.

Some prevention tips to remember while using candles are:

  • do not leave them unattended
  • do not let them run for too long

Some prevention tips to remember while cooking are: 

  • use a timer
  • remove flammable objects from space
  • always pay attention
  • do not leave unattended

Some prevention tips to remember while using electrical equipment are:

  • use qualified electricians
  • replace frayed and damaged cords
  • do not overload outlet with plugs

These are all important tips to remember in our daily lives. The damage that these mistakes could bring to your home are massive. The aftermath of the damage caused by a fire brings toxic chemicals and pollution into your environment.

At SERVPRO of North San Bernardino we are always here to help no matter what! Please feel free to give us a call at (909)474-2340  

Preventing More Damage From A Fire In A Home

2/4/2022 (Permalink)

Here are some tips to follow after you experience a fire in your home-

  1. Try not to touch content that has been damaged by fire or soot. Inadvertently, you could be damaging more furniture, walls, upholstery etc.
  2. Do not try to walk over singed carpet and rugs. If you cannot avoid it, use old sheets or towels around high-traffic areas.
  3. If you have power, consider yourself lucky. If electricity is off, remember to empty the refrigerator and freezer.
  4. Water indoor plants and make sure you wipe both sides of leaves.
  5. Inspect HVAC filters.
  6. Contact a repair service if you suspect your appliances were affected by the fire.
  7. Inspect the ceiling and light fixtures (fans) to make sure there is no fire or water damage. If you believe they were damaged, contact an electrician.  
  8. If your clothes were damaged by smoke or soot, make sure that the dry cleaner has experience removing smoke odors. Improper cleaning may set the smell.

SERVPRO Of North San Bernardino, provide fire damage restoration service to fire- damage. Our team are trained professionals that have the proper equipment to begin the cleaning process and restore all items damaged by a fire. Please do not hesitate to gives us a call at (909) 474-2340

BBQ and fire safety

10/7/2021 (Permalink)

BBQ safety

End of summer Fun and BBQ safety!

Summertime is ending and it is imperative that safety be taken when it comes to cooking delicious meals outdoors especially if planning to smoke your Thanksgiving turkey. 

In 2012-2016 an average of 16600 patients per year went to the emergency room  because if injuries involving grills, half of those being caused by thermal burns.

Children under 5 accounted for an average of 1600 of the 4500 thermal none fore grill burns. These burns typically occurred when someone, often a child bumped into, touched or fell on the grill, grill part or hot coals.

Seven out of every 10 adults in the US have a grill or smoker, which translates to a lot of tasty meals, but it also means there is an increased risk for home fires and injuries.

Personal belongings in a Fire loss

2/17/2021 (Permalink)

Contents Restoration

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals specialize in restoring contents damaged by water, fire, or mold. Their expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. They pretest your belongings to determine what items they can restore to pre-fire condition. They use several methods of cleaning your contents, including:
•Dry Cleaning - Used for cleaning light residues or to pre-clean prior to wet cleaning.
•Wet Cleaning - An effective cleaning method for removing moderate to heavy residues.
•Spray and Wipe -Effective for items that can’t withstand wet cleaning.
•Foam Cleaning - Used for upholstery fabrics that might shrink or bleed if wet cleaned.
•Abrasive Cleaning - Involves agitation of the surface being cleaned.
•Immersion Cleaning - Contents are dipped into a bath of the cleaning product.

Electronic Cleanup

Fire-damaged electronics can present a serious hazard. Do not attempt to turn on or operate any electrical device that you suspect has been damaged by fire. Smoke residues can contain acids that corrode metal surfaces. If the residues are not removed, corrosion causes electronic failure in the device. A SERVPRO Franchise will coordinate the restoration of your electronics, including:
•Television sets
•DVD players
•And more

The key to restoring electronics is taking prompt action to prevent further damage. Electronics will be cleaned and inspected by a qualified electronics technician.

Document / Photograph Drying

When your valuable documents, including photographs, are damaged by water or fire, extreme caution should be taken to help ensure the fire damage does not destroy the document. Although some documents may not be restored to pre-fire damage condition, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can save a great deal and help minimize additional damage.

Depending on the type of documents and the level of fire, smoke, or soot damage, they have five options for the restoration of documents:
1.Air Drying
3.Freezer Drying
4.Vacuum Freeze Drying
5.Vacuum Thermal Drying

Fire Disasters

2/15/2021 (Permalink)

Step 1 to Creating a Family Disaster Plan — MAKE A PLAN officials declare it safe for re-entry. 

And if there’s time… l Be sure that all windows and doors are closed. l Open curtains and window coverings. l Lock your home. l Cluster lawn furniture and other things that might snag firefighter hose lines. l Leave exterior lights on, as this helps firefighters find the house in the smoke. l Don’t leave garden sprinklers on, as they can waste critical water pressure. l Listen to your battery-powered radio and follow the instructions of local emergency officials. l Wear protective clothing and sturdy shoes. l 

Take your family disaster supply kit. l Buy a Weather Alert capable radio and listen to it whenever severe weather is forecast. Be sure to have extra batteries for the radio. meeting locations both near your home and out-of- the-area. In the plan, include home, cell phone and e-mail contact information for all family members. Include numbers for work, school, and out-of-town relatives. List local emergency numbers including the family doctor. l 

Discuss what your family needs to do to evacuate due to a fire or other emergency. Be ready to move fast. Teach everyone the best escape routes out of the home and where to meet outside. Learn the safest places in the home to Drop, Cover and Hold On in case of an earthquake. l 

Plan to Shelter-in-Place. Shelter-in-place is used when it is safer to stay put and create a barrier between yourself and potentially contaminated air outside. When told to shelter- in-place, quickly bring your family and pets inside, lock doors, close windows, air vents and fireplace dampers. Take emergency supplies and go into the room you have chosen. Turn off air conditioning, forced air heating systems, exhaust fans and clothes dryers if possible. Seal all windows, doors and vents. NOTE: Sheltering-in-place is a temporary measure intended to keep contaminated air outside. 

Plan for your pets. Take pets with you if you evacuate. Be aware that pets other than service animals are not permitted in emergency public shelters for health reasons. In advance, prepare a list of family, friends, boarding facilities, veterinarians, and pet- friendly hotels that could shelter your pets in an emergency. 


San Bernardino County Fire Department 

Office of Emergency Services 

San Bernardino, CA 92415-0451 

Malibu Fires 2018

2/12/2021 (Permalink)

In early November 2018, Malibu experienced the most catastrophic event and community wide trauma in their history when the Woolsey fire burned through the neighborhoods. Stealing homes from so many of the neighbors, however this resilient community has already begun taking strong steps to rebuilding, and SERVPRO is ready to work with residence through every step of the process. Though a catastrophe such as this one is never ideal, knowing you have a strong company to assist in whatever needs to be done, to help home owners get back to their daily lives and to the normal they desperately seek is our mission during this time. We have strong teams willing to help with the necessary clean up, and to help homeowners move into new homes with the peace of mind all of their items have been successfully cleaned and will pose no possible threat to their families. With the top of the line cleaners to our air scrubbers and hydroxyl generators, families can rest assured they are in great hands.


2/11/2021 (Permalink)

BBQ Grilling safety

Summer months are slowly approaching and it is imperative that safety be taken when it comes to cooking delicious meals outdoors in 2020. 

July is the peak month for grilling fires including both structure , outdoor or unclassified fires. In 2012-2016 an average of 16600 patients per year went to the emergency room  because if injuries involving grills, half of those being caused by thermal burns.

Children under 5 accounted for an average of 1600 of the 4500 thermal none fore grill burns. These burns typically occurred when someone, often a child bumped into, touched or fell on the grill, grill part or hot coals.

Seven out of every 10 adults in the US have a grill or smoker, which translates to a lot of tasty meals, but it also means there is an increased risk for home fires and injuries.

kitchen fires

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Kitchen Caution

According to the National
Fire Protection Association, cooking
fires are the number one cause of
home fires and home injuries. The
leading cause of fires in the kitchen
is unattended cooking. It’s important
to be alert to prevent cooking fires.
• Be on alert! If you are sleepy or
have consumed alcohol don’t
use the stove or stovetop.
•Stay in the kitchen while you
are frying, grilling, boiling, or
broiling food.
• If you are simmering, baking, or
roasting food, check it regularly,
remain in the kitchen while food
is cooking, and use a timer to
remind you that you are cooking.
• Keep anything that can catch
fire—oven mitts, wooden utensils,
food packaging, towels, or
curtains—away from the stovetop.
If you have a cooking fire, consider
the following safety protocols to help
keep you and your family safe.
• Just get out! When you leave,
close the door behind you
to help contain the fire.
•Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency
number after you leave.
• For an oven fire, turn off the
heat and keep the door closed.

How to Prevent a Christmas Tree Fire!

10/9/2020 (Permalink)

A Christmas tree on fire due to not taking the proper precautions.

The holidays are right around the corner. Don't get overly "wrapped" up in the ideas of the holiday season just yet , One major issue in California is Christmas tree fires! Some easy ways to prevent these fires are...

1. Find a fresh green tree!

2. Ensure tree is 3 feet away from any heat or power sources

3. Keep tree hydrated by adding water daily 

4. Make sure lights on tree are in good condition with no frayed wires or broken bulbs. 

5. Make sure to turn lights off before bed or when leaving the house. 

6. Once dry needles begin to drop remove tree from house! 

These steps could truly protect you and your family this holiday season! If you do find yourself dealing with a Christmas Tree Fire SERVPRO of North San Bernardino City is here to help! Give us a call anytime at 909-474-2340. 

Prevent Thanksgiving House Fires

10/9/2020 (Permalink)

An amazing Thanksgiving meal!

With Thanksgiving approaching I am sure house fires are not the first thing going on through your mind. Believe it or not according to The National Fire Protection Association Thanksgiving is the peak for house fires! There are two major ways to avoid house fires this time a year! One being to be proactive and two being to stay attentive!

By being proactive some things you can do prior to Thanksgiving are...

1.Check and make sure smoke alarms are in full working effect 

2. Clean ovens and stovetops of grease and dust! 

Now to be attentive some things you can do are... 

1. Stay in kitchen and watch what you are cooking. 

2. Set alarms for all things to ensure you don't get distracted. 

3. Keep mitts , wooden utensils , and towels away from ANY open fire. 

These simple directions can help keep your home and family safe!

Have a fun and safe Thanksgiving from all of us at SERVPRO of North San Bernardino City.